Sunday, May 6, 2012

Custom Hi-Speed CAN/ SWCAN Scanner (ELM329)

So after modifying an existing ELM327 Clone I read about the new ELM329 chip - it is specifically targeted for CAN Networks and sounded like a very interesting option. When I did some more research on it I ran across a post over on where 'reinoso' showed off a board he developed. The cool thing about it was that he added a switching mechanism to select between Hi-Speed CAN or Single-Wire Can.

I figured it would be a fun exercise to try to design something similar. The ELM329 Datasheet provides the basic reference schematic so it was just a matter to add the switching mechanism and draw up the new schematic and PCB. Initially I started out in Altium Designer (which is GREAT) because Eagle is just too... shall we say 'quirky' (though some call it 'female' because it's illogical lol). Being a software engineer by trade, it has too many 'WTF were they thinking' issues - yes you can get used to them, but the fact they're even there just bugs me ;) . However as I got a little deeper into it I figured that if I ever wanted to release the schematic/pcb etc for public use, not too many people have Altium Designer, and thus would not be able to use it. so begrudgingly I went back to Eagle.

My goal for right now was to at least get the schematic going properly and then for a first build have the PCB fit inside the generic ELM327 device box I already have. I measured it's PCB and based my layout on that so that it would be a drop-in replacement. I kept both connectors (USB (4-pin) & OBD (original 8-pin) ) in the same place to make it as seamless a swap as possible.

For the actual soldering process I wanted to try out the reflow toaster over method, so for the main passive components I felt fine going to 0805 component size (yes I've heard of people doing 06 or 04 etc without problems, but I'm not the steadiest hand). The ELM329 comes in a SOIC28 (or DIP package) which is relatively large. Also for the USB connectivity I went with the SiLabs CP2102 - it only needs a few extra components, but it's definitely not a hand solder component being a 28-VFQFN component.

Top View of PCB
Bottom View of Board showing Both Can Transceivers and switch IC

Another Angle of the Top
I Made the above 3d previews using the EagleUp Plugin for Sketchup.Not all components were available so I had to get creative in making some of them myself (e.g. the 4 pin header block) & the MSOP 10 package for the switch (IC2) on the bottom.

Now it's off to finding a decent PCB Manufacturer who can build a few of these boards for a decent price.

Of course it will be interesting to apply this to the upcoming STN1117 chip and minimize the footprint even more.


  1. So, what are the differences between ELM327 and ELM329 ? Do they deliver the same kind of information ?

  2. The ELM329 is specifically designed for CAN Only , so it doesn't support J1850 , KWP etc.
    Other than that it has a few more specialized CAN commands, so if your vehicle is a 'Can-only' vehicle it makes sense to go with the ELM329

  3. Any chance that you would sell either the circuit board or a completed unit? I need it mainly for J1939 (NEMA2000) on my boat. I am an EE so no problem with any aspect of using it. I have an ELM327 but like the features of the ELM329. Thanks.
